Friday, April 24, 2009

Growthcamp .

This year Growth Camp was held on 16april to 18april . My batch , Secondarytwo , was held in school with the Secfours and fives. Every classes will be divided separetely into groups with the secfours or fives. My group, eleven, was grouped with groupone, teaming up as team4 .
Dayone :
Went to school as usual. Everyone was carrying a big backpack, some were even using a luggage. We distributed our classtees to everyone, and were also given our this year GrowthCamp's tee, which was dryfit and white in colour. After that, we had our nationalanthem and schoolsong sung. Then secones and secthrees left us for their dairyfarm for their camping. After that, we were asked to go to our classroom for our icebreaker and other activities which was at fourth floor. After that, girls were to bring our bags to hall, as we will be spending our coming two nights in th hall. After that, we went down as a team for our games and activities like walking while being blindfolded. Then dinner. We had noodles or rice with many other dishes like chickenwings. At last, it night time. We had our night walk near th basketbal court, where there's was a 'Exit' , some sort like a pathway throught out to th other side of the basketball court. We had to go in as a pair, girl and guy . After that, we assemble again, and later we had supper. And finally sleeep.
Daytwo :
Assemble around 7plus. Breakfast as bread and milo. After that, packed for sentosa. Left school around 8, reached there around 9. Its was a bright, sunny and hot day. Then start our amazing race, competing every other group. But we teamed with groupone. Our amazing race held for hours and in between, we had our lunch. Then we continued again. At last, everything ended around 3plus, and we headed back to school around 4. Then all of us had our showers then assemble again for dinner. Team by team. Had a sumptuous dinner, then talks and campfire . Practiced our dancing and singings, and cheers. Managed to finish it smoothly, and also watched other teams cheers, dance and songs. Around 10plus , campfire ended . Some left for showers, some headed to bed straight.
Daythree :
At last, our last day of Growth camp. Had breakfast, then left for springcleaning around th area of the hall that we slept, whereas the guys left for their bunks. After that, we assemble again in the hall for the prize presetation. Later after that, secones and threes came back from their dairyfarm. After that, we watched videos that were taken by some of the teachers of us at our Growthcamp . Then we sung our school songs again as to bid farewell to all the trainers that had make fun with us and ensuring our growthcamp had ended smoothly. Then we all headed home , and we're dead beat.

Friday, March 20, 2009

ReflectiveSummary : Whale & Dolphins .

Humans actually was the one that causes whales & dolphins to lost their habitat. Mostly is due to pollutions of marine and trap in the fishing nets due to catching tuna . Tuna had always be the one following dolphins as their protections . That’s why they always trapped in the fishing nets .
Hence, we have to save marine species. Etc dolphins and whales. We have to stop killing and hunting for them, instead, we have to work out a plan and help them . Although whale would kill living things when they saw them, it does not meant that we have to do the same to them. We could work out some other ways to help them. All they want for in their world, is do not want any living things to disturb them and they only want to protect themselves from harm . Like what humans does, hunt for them by catching them using fishing net .
Don’t you people think that its is actually quite cruel for us to kill them . Don’t you think that they are actually cute little mammals living under the water world. Some dolphins even performed for us humans to see and enjoy. Think of some positive ways to help them. Playing my parts, I had done this summary and some reflective journals to let other people know of the positive things that these mammals does for us, humans. Spread this messages, let more and more people understands them. Lets saves dolphins & whales ! Save the Earth !

Reflective Journal 5 : Types of Whales .

· Balaenopteridae - Rorquals
· Eschrichtiidae - Gray Whale
· Balaenidae - Right Whales
· Neobalaenidae - Pygmy Right Whale
The suborder Odontoceti, the largest within the order Cetacea, comprises the toothed whales, which includes all dolphins and porpoises. The largest Odontocete or toothed whale is the Sperm Whale reaching lengths of 20 metres. An animal of great extremes the Sperm Whale has the largest brain of any animal and probably makes the deepest dive of any whale, possibly up to 3000 metres deep that may last up to two hours in duration.
· Physeteridae - Sperm Whales
· Kogiidae - Dwarf and Pygmy Sperm Whales
· Monodontidae - White Whales and Narwhal
· Ziphiidae - Beaked Whales and Bottlenose Whales
· Delphinidae - Dolphins, Humpbacked Dolphins, Pilot & Killer Whales
· Plantanistidae, Iniidae, Lipotidae, Pontoporiidae - River Dolphins
· Phocoenidae - Porpoises

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Reflective Journal 4 : Whale Conservations .

The proliferation in the use of synthetic fishing gear has been the single most important factor in the incidental deaths of cetaceans during the last 30 years. Annual deaths caused by incidental entanglement run into the hundreds of thousands around the world. The deliberate killing of dolphins and other small cetaceans where they are perceived to compete with humans for commercial fish species or for baiting crab pots then the pressure is likely to active whale conservation measures are required immediately.
Noise pollution and depletion of prey species at the very least may inhibit important activities such as nursing young or mating and may prove too much for an already compromised population. Increases in the amount of commercial and recreational watercraft have, and will continue to have, dramatic impact on some cetacean populations.
Disturbance factor associated with increased shipping and waterborne leisure activities there is the very real danger of collision. Ship strike has undoubtedly been instrumental in preventing the recovery of the North Atlantic Right Whale. The bottom of ice floes and sea ice is the main habitat for algae on which the krill feed.
Disturbance through unregulated and insensitive whale watching operations is something, which must be strenuously avoided. The fight to stop them will continue and effective and lasting whale conservation measures must be put in place.

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Reflective Journal 3 : Hunting of Whales, Dolphins & Habitat Degradation

Dolphins and small whales are killed and used for food, oil or other traditional uses and their products cannot legally be traded. This has proven difficult to regulate and some trade in derivative products still occurs. Many of the species involved in subsistence hunting are considered endangered, certainly at the local level, if not in the wider world. Legislation to allow subsistence hunting and to meet cultural needs frequently results in a loophole, which may be exploited by the unscrupulous.
The greatest contemporary threat to dolphins and other cetaceans will be habitat degradation through pollution and climate change. Heavy metals and pesticides in their body tissues which has deleterious effects on their ability to reproduce and on their immune system integrity.
Most of these pollutants do not readily degrade or if they do, take a very long time to do so rendering the damage inflicted long lasting. Climate change due to global warming will have far reaching and profound affects on cetacean populations in general but particularly dolphins and whales. Reduction in sea ice coverage in our polar regions may cause significant drops in the levels of algae which feed krill leading to a reduction in the numbers of these small shrimp like creatures.
Reduction in sea ice coverage in our polar regions may cause significant drops in the levels of algae which feed krill leading to a reduction in the numbers of these small shrimp like creatures. Krill is the basis of the food chain on which many species of cetaceans rely, along with birds and many fish species, reductions in the levels of krill may well cause catastrophic decline across a broad range of species.


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Reflective Journal 2 : ByCatch .

Dolphins and Yellowfin Tuna are frequently found swimming together. We believe the tuna are taking advantage of the dolphins' ability to find prey as they frequently feed on the same species. Although public pressure resulted in a reduction in dolphin deaths through purse seining it still continues. Today the greatest threat to dolphins and porpoises are bottom set gill nets and tangle nets.
Also , known as “ walls of deaths “ , an account for the deaths of thousands of animals annually around the globe but none worse than in the Western approaches to the UK and the southern Celtic Sea. Recent years have seen the employment of acoustic devices known as pingers designed to prevent small cetaceans approaching these gill nets . In the UK and Ireland it is now mandatory to fit pingers to bottom set gill nets but insufficient testing of these devices has resulted in little enforcement of this legislation with a result that thousands of animals are still being killed in this unsustainable and wasteful fishery.
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Reflective Journal1 : Are fishing nets a serious threat to whale populations?

WWF has found that around 300,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises are killed each year by catching them by fishing nets . This translates to nearly 1,000 cetaceans killed each day in fishing nets. By catching them is when other species are caught up in fishing gear. It has been revealed as one of the greatest global threats facing and whales. When whales, which breathes air, get caught up in the nets, they often get trapped underwater and drown. More than 300,000 dolphins, and whales were killed every single year because they were got tangled up in fishing gear. One particular type of fishing gear - gillnets - is doing the most damage. These nets are difficult for dolphins to see or to detect with their sonar, so they may become tangled in the netting or in the ropes attached to the nets. United States had just introduced a modified fishing gear, which is able to reduce by catch of dolphins, porpoises and whales to one-third of its previous levels. Unfortunately very few of these successful measures have been transferred to other countries, progressing to reduce by catch has been slow or nonexistent.
(192 words)
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