Reflective Journal 4 : Whale Conservations .
The proliferation in the use of synthetic fishing gear has been the single most important factor in the incidental deaths of cetaceans during the last 30 years. Annual deaths caused by incidental entanglement run into the hundreds of thousands around the world. The deliberate killing of dolphins and other small cetaceans where they are perceived to compete with humans for commercial fish species or for baiting crab pots then the pressure is likely to active whale conservation measures are required immediately.
Noise pollution and depletion of prey species at the very least may inhibit important activities such as nursing young or mating and may prove too much for an already compromised population. Increases in the amount of commercial and recreational watercraft have, and will continue to have, dramatic impact on some cetacean populations.
Disturbance factor associated with increased shipping and waterborne leisure activities there is the very real danger of collision. Ship strike has undoubtedly been instrumental in preventing the recovery of the North Atlantic Right Whale. The bottom of ice floes and sea ice is the main habitat for algae on which the krill feed.
Disturbance through unregulated and insensitive whale watching operations is something, which must be strenuously avoided. The fight to stop them will continue and effective and lasting whale conservation measures must be put in place.
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Noise pollution and depletion of prey species at the very least may inhibit important activities such as nursing young or mating and may prove too much for an already compromised population. Increases in the amount of commercial and recreational watercraft have, and will continue to have, dramatic impact on some cetacean populations.
Disturbance factor associated with increased shipping and waterborne leisure activities there is the very real danger of collision. Ship strike has undoubtedly been instrumental in preventing the recovery of the North Atlantic Right Whale. The bottom of ice floes and sea ice is the main habitat for algae on which the krill feed.
Disturbance through unregulated and insensitive whale watching operations is something, which must be strenuously avoided. The fight to stop them will continue and effective and lasting whale conservation measures must be put in place.
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