Monday, March 16, 2009

Total Defence ;

Total Defence about the different things that we can do everyday in every sector of our society to strengthen our resilience as a nation. Thats the reason why we have to take part in the National Services (NS) to ensure our security. Total Defence had a total of five aspects - Military Defence, Civil Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence and Psychological Defence. They represents the key sectors of society. They helped us build a strong economy, strengthen community ties with one another regardless of race and religion, and stay committed as to defend our country. We actually doing something in every sector of our society to strengthen Singapore's resilience as a nation.
Military Defence - Is something about deterring aggresion, Staying operationally ready and able to meet all kinds of challenges. Its a strong defence force that is able to deter anyone from thinking of attacking the country. The full-time NSmen take their training seriously so as to help keep the SAF strong and operationally ready. SAF has widened its capabilities to deal with non-conventional threats such as terrorist bombings, hijackings, and chemical, biological and radiological attacks.
Civil Defence - It means taking care of your family, friends, and people around you in times of crisis. They want you to understand what to do during civil emergencies and to be Alert at all times . Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) recruits and trains civil defence volunteers in first aid, rescue and evacuation procedures, and shelter management. Participating in exercises conducted by the SCDF will help you to be prepared and know what to do as we could be able to save lives. Threat of global terrorism will be around for some time. Singaporeans can help by looking out for, and reporting, anything suspicious.
Economic Defence - It all about working and saving to achieve a better life for everyone. Staying relevant and competitive through rapid change and development, Putting in place robust economic systems that can continue to function in times of crisis and making Singapore livable for future generations . Upgrading our skills and knowledge, ability to embrace lifelong learning and re-training is vital to keeping our economy competitive. If foundation of our economy is strong, our economy will not break down so easily in times of war or crisis. Saving electricity and water, and adopting environment-friendly practices as a way of daily life, we are helping to conserve energy and to protect our environment.
Social Defence - Living in harmony, looking out for one another. Also meant that Singaporeans of all races and religions living and working together in harmony and looking out for one another. Maintaining racial and religious harmony is critical to ensuring peace and stability in Singapore. Sensitiveness to other cultures and traditions of one another, builds strong bonds across different ethnic groups, we help strengthen social cohesion. Everyone have a duty to contribute to the community by helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us, regardless of their race, language, religion, age or nationality. This helps to strengthen socal cohesion.
Lastly, Psychological Defence - Loyalty and committed to our own country.
Bwing pride and passion for our country, stand up to defend ourselves and protect our independence as a nation. Having the will and resilience to overcome challenges
Whatever the crisis or challenge came, use our ability to overcome it. It is this will and the commitment of our people that will decide how strong we are as a nation.
Our school held a event which our day of CrossCountry cum with Total Defence. That day, Japan attacked Singapore and our school wants us to remember it deep into our heart, remember it always. Although it doesn't seem to be a happy thing, it worth remembering it .
Taken from : TotalDefence."


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