Friday, March 20, 2009

ReflectiveSummary : Whale & Dolphins .

Humans actually was the one that causes whales & dolphins to lost their habitat. Mostly is due to pollutions of marine and trap in the fishing nets due to catching tuna . Tuna had always be the one following dolphins as their protections . That’s why they always trapped in the fishing nets .
Hence, we have to save marine species. Etc dolphins and whales. We have to stop killing and hunting for them, instead, we have to work out a plan and help them . Although whale would kill living things when they saw them, it does not meant that we have to do the same to them. We could work out some other ways to help them. All they want for in their world, is do not want any living things to disturb them and they only want to protect themselves from harm . Like what humans does, hunt for them by catching them using fishing net .
Don’t you people think that its is actually quite cruel for us to kill them . Don’t you think that they are actually cute little mammals living under the water world. Some dolphins even performed for us humans to see and enjoy. Think of some positive ways to help them. Playing my parts, I had done this summary and some reflective journals to let other people know of the positive things that these mammals does for us, humans. Spread this messages, let more and more people understands them. Lets saves dolphins & whales ! Save the Earth !

Reflective Journal 5 : Types of Whales .

· Balaenopteridae - Rorquals
· Eschrichtiidae - Gray Whale
· Balaenidae - Right Whales
· Neobalaenidae - Pygmy Right Whale
The suborder Odontoceti, the largest within the order Cetacea, comprises the toothed whales, which includes all dolphins and porpoises. The largest Odontocete or toothed whale is the Sperm Whale reaching lengths of 20 metres. An animal of great extremes the Sperm Whale has the largest brain of any animal and probably makes the deepest dive of any whale, possibly up to 3000 metres deep that may last up to two hours in duration.
· Physeteridae - Sperm Whales
· Kogiidae - Dwarf and Pygmy Sperm Whales
· Monodontidae - White Whales and Narwhal
· Ziphiidae - Beaked Whales and Bottlenose Whales
· Delphinidae - Dolphins, Humpbacked Dolphins, Pilot & Killer Whales
· Plantanistidae, Iniidae, Lipotidae, Pontoporiidae - River Dolphins
· Phocoenidae - Porpoises

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Reflective Journal 4 : Whale Conservations .

The proliferation in the use of synthetic fishing gear has been the single most important factor in the incidental deaths of cetaceans during the last 30 years. Annual deaths caused by incidental entanglement run into the hundreds of thousands around the world. The deliberate killing of dolphins and other small cetaceans where they are perceived to compete with humans for commercial fish species or for baiting crab pots then the pressure is likely to active whale conservation measures are required immediately.
Noise pollution and depletion of prey species at the very least may inhibit important activities such as nursing young or mating and may prove too much for an already compromised population. Increases in the amount of commercial and recreational watercraft have, and will continue to have, dramatic impact on some cetacean populations.
Disturbance factor associated with increased shipping and waterborne leisure activities there is the very real danger of collision. Ship strike has undoubtedly been instrumental in preventing the recovery of the North Atlantic Right Whale. The bottom of ice floes and sea ice is the main habitat for algae on which the krill feed.
Disturbance through unregulated and insensitive whale watching operations is something, which must be strenuously avoided. The fight to stop them will continue and effective and lasting whale conservation measures must be put in place.

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Reflective Journal 3 : Hunting of Whales, Dolphins & Habitat Degradation

Dolphins and small whales are killed and used for food, oil or other traditional uses and their products cannot legally be traded. This has proven difficult to regulate and some trade in derivative products still occurs. Many of the species involved in subsistence hunting are considered endangered, certainly at the local level, if not in the wider world. Legislation to allow subsistence hunting and to meet cultural needs frequently results in a loophole, which may be exploited by the unscrupulous.
The greatest contemporary threat to dolphins and other cetaceans will be habitat degradation through pollution and climate change. Heavy metals and pesticides in their body tissues which has deleterious effects on their ability to reproduce and on their immune system integrity.
Most of these pollutants do not readily degrade or if they do, take a very long time to do so rendering the damage inflicted long lasting. Climate change due to global warming will have far reaching and profound affects on cetacean populations in general but particularly dolphins and whales. Reduction in sea ice coverage in our polar regions may cause significant drops in the levels of algae which feed krill leading to a reduction in the numbers of these small shrimp like creatures.
Reduction in sea ice coverage in our polar regions may cause significant drops in the levels of algae which feed krill leading to a reduction in the numbers of these small shrimp like creatures. Krill is the basis of the food chain on which many species of cetaceans rely, along with birds and many fish species, reductions in the levels of krill may well cause catastrophic decline across a broad range of species.


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Reflective Journal 2 : ByCatch .

Dolphins and Yellowfin Tuna are frequently found swimming together. We believe the tuna are taking advantage of the dolphins' ability to find prey as they frequently feed on the same species. Although public pressure resulted in a reduction in dolphin deaths through purse seining it still continues. Today the greatest threat to dolphins and porpoises are bottom set gill nets and tangle nets.
Also , known as “ walls of deaths “ , an account for the deaths of thousands of animals annually around the globe but none worse than in the Western approaches to the UK and the southern Celtic Sea. Recent years have seen the employment of acoustic devices known as pingers designed to prevent small cetaceans approaching these gill nets . In the UK and Ireland it is now mandatory to fit pingers to bottom set gill nets but insufficient testing of these devices has resulted in little enforcement of this legislation with a result that thousands of animals are still being killed in this unsustainable and wasteful fishery.
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Reflective Journal1 : Are fishing nets a serious threat to whale populations?

WWF has found that around 300,000 whales, dolphins and porpoises are killed each year by catching them by fishing nets . This translates to nearly 1,000 cetaceans killed each day in fishing nets. By catching them is when other species are caught up in fishing gear. It has been revealed as one of the greatest global threats facing and whales. When whales, which breathes air, get caught up in the nets, they often get trapped underwater and drown. More than 300,000 dolphins, and whales were killed every single year because they were got tangled up in fishing gear. One particular type of fishing gear - gillnets - is doing the most damage. These nets are difficult for dolphins to see or to detect with their sonar, so they may become tangled in the netting or in the ropes attached to the nets. United States had just introduced a modified fishing gear, which is able to reduce by catch of dolphins, porpoises and whales to one-third of its previous levels. Unfortunately very few of these successful measures have been transferred to other countries, progressing to reduce by catch has been slow or nonexistent.
(192 words)
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Monday, March 16, 2009

Journey of places which I had never gone before, but wished to go ;

I wish to go to Korea or Japan ! That 2 places seem so nice and pretty . Because of that, I wish to learn Japanese . (:D) Or I know about Japanese was "Domo Arigator" which means Thankyou very much, "Sayonara" which means Goodbye . Still got alot, I lazy to type it out. I have this target, when I grewup and earn my first pay, I would take this opportunity to bring my family out to Japan, I would find it challenging and exciting if I were to cover all places at Japan. I had make this research and found that City, North and South of Tokyo were the places of interest by most of the visitors. At Tokyo, the Asakusa Senso-ji Temple, probably the liveliest place of Buddhist worship in Japan, Largest collection of Japanese art at the Tokyo National Museum in Ueno-koen Park, the traditional kabuki performance in Ginza, an area known for its high-end shopping. At Kyoto, explore the Gion district, famous for geishas and entertainment, Ginkaku-ji Temple is worth seeing but most of the times would be crowded, you would expect to see large groups of tourists by some tour groups. Escape the bustle of the city and relax in Maruyama-koen Park. After the whole day visiting Kyoto, take a short train ride to Osaka and Nara for a day or two.
At North of Tokyo, the vast northern part of Honshu ( the Japan's largest island), known as Tohoku, provides a traditional rural experience where you can enjoy the unspoiled natural scenary of Japan. It's the best ideal for hiking, particularly around Mt. Bandai-san and Lake Tozawa-ko. Do relax at Kinkazan island, Stroll around Kakunodate, a small town with well-preserved samurai homes.
At South of Tokyo, Kyushu as the southernmost of the four main islands, has been an important entry point for foreign influence and culture. Visit and hike a volcano's rim at Mt. Aso and bathe in the famous hot springs of Beppu. Nagasaki is a main attraction, not only because of the atomic bomb tragedy but also for its European influence.
What I said was all the truth... :D

Total Defence ;

Total Defence about the different things that we can do everyday in every sector of our society to strengthen our resilience as a nation. Thats the reason why we have to take part in the National Services (NS) to ensure our security. Total Defence had a total of five aspects - Military Defence, Civil Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence and Psychological Defence. They represents the key sectors of society. They helped us build a strong economy, strengthen community ties with one another regardless of race and religion, and stay committed as to defend our country. We actually doing something in every sector of our society to strengthen Singapore's resilience as a nation.
Military Defence - Is something about deterring aggresion, Staying operationally ready and able to meet all kinds of challenges. Its a strong defence force that is able to deter anyone from thinking of attacking the country. The full-time NSmen take their training seriously so as to help keep the SAF strong and operationally ready. SAF has widened its capabilities to deal with non-conventional threats such as terrorist bombings, hijackings, and chemical, biological and radiological attacks.
Civil Defence - It means taking care of your family, friends, and people around you in times of crisis. They want you to understand what to do during civil emergencies and to be Alert at all times . Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) recruits and trains civil defence volunteers in first aid, rescue and evacuation procedures, and shelter management. Participating in exercises conducted by the SCDF will help you to be prepared and know what to do as we could be able to save lives. Threat of global terrorism will be around for some time. Singaporeans can help by looking out for, and reporting, anything suspicious.
Economic Defence - It all about working and saving to achieve a better life for everyone. Staying relevant and competitive through rapid change and development, Putting in place robust economic systems that can continue to function in times of crisis and making Singapore livable for future generations . Upgrading our skills and knowledge, ability to embrace lifelong learning and re-training is vital to keeping our economy competitive. If foundation of our economy is strong, our economy will not break down so easily in times of war or crisis. Saving electricity and water, and adopting environment-friendly practices as a way of daily life, we are helping to conserve energy and to protect our environment.
Social Defence - Living in harmony, looking out for one another. Also meant that Singaporeans of all races and religions living and working together in harmony and looking out for one another. Maintaining racial and religious harmony is critical to ensuring peace and stability in Singapore. Sensitiveness to other cultures and traditions of one another, builds strong bonds across different ethnic groups, we help strengthen social cohesion. Everyone have a duty to contribute to the community by helping the less fortunate and underprivileged among us, regardless of their race, language, religion, age or nationality. This helps to strengthen socal cohesion.
Lastly, Psychological Defence - Loyalty and committed to our own country.
Bwing pride and passion for our country, stand up to defend ourselves and protect our independence as a nation. Having the will and resilience to overcome challenges
Whatever the crisis or challenge came, use our ability to overcome it. It is this will and the commitment of our people that will decide how strong we are as a nation.
Our school held a event which our day of CrossCountry cum with Total Defence. That day, Japan attacked Singapore and our school wants us to remember it deep into our heart, remember it always. Although it doesn't seem to be a happy thing, it worth remembering it .
Taken from : TotalDefence."

Childhood Memories ;

Actually I can't really remember my childhood memories. But I remember once when I was 7 or 8 years old. I had one birthday party over at my grandma's house, all of my cousins, and relatives came over at my house and celebrated with me. In the afternoon, I went over to my grandma's house there, as times past my cousins came, they started to play games with me, example like Monopoly, Twisters. At that time, I really find it really very fun playing those games, although it seems childish now if I were to play . They really hyper, always giving me chances to win because I hated lose, if I lost, I would get angry and even cry. Also, that day was my birthday, the more I shouldn't cry! (Haha.) My relatives and my parents would most commonly played mahjong. They will end screaming at each other, "PONG!" , "GAME!", "HAHA"! Soon later around evening, they started to ask me to seat at the living room and wait... My cousin would bring out a cake from the kitchen and everyone will sing the birthday song to me. It was so touching! (Haha.) After that, they will take pictures with me, one after another. My mother helped me to cut the cake after I cut it once, and distributed to everyone. Most of the time, there will be some leftover, but not to throw. But to leave for the nextday, someone will eat it. That time, it was probably the most memorable childhood memories. (:D)

School Holidays ;

My last year school holidays was usually spent freely . I usually go out with my Netball teammates or my classmates or, my exclassmates from my primary school. I hung out with them, especially to strengthen our friendship. Sometimes, my parents would bring my brother and I oversea and enjoy ourselves. It was great and fun! I went hongkong few years back, and stayed at the Disneyland Hotel. The hotel was big and spacious. Went to Disneyland also, took pictures with Mickey and MinnieMouse. I went there for a week, and I really enjoyed those moments. During the last few weeks of the holidays i would stop slacking, and start to work out my coming year studies. I brought my coming year schoolbooks and begin to study some of it. Even though I still don't understand most parts, at least I would know what was going on when school reopens . When my cousin free, they would revise the chapters with me. I hung out with my family most of the times, went shopping with them and accompany them whenever they goes. So this most of the times when school holidays came...